A whole Summer without a spanking party, and then along come two on the same day!
Doyen of the spanking party scene, Mike Dyer, has a naughty nurses theme to the next 2Kings party.

These nurses owe more to Carry on Nurse than to the NHS with their short skirts, inappropriate knickers, and too tight blouses they are the blight of every matron, and need severe old-fashioned discipline to those rosy cheeks they display so wantonly!
Rachel May is the lead girl and hostess for the afternoon, and will be joined by some of London’s most popular spankees including Frankie and Spankeefinder listed Sam Johnson in their nurses’ outfits which will just have to be discarded when found not to meet the required uniform standards. Oh well, they love being topless anyway so that will just have to do. 2Kings have a freewheeling style of party, and everyone has plenty of spanking fun. For further information go to the 2Kings website.