Get a Free listing on spankeefinder
Spankeefinder is an absolutely free web site set up for the benefit of the UK spanking community.
If you already have your own website just read the next paragraph. If you don’t have a website click Here
If you would like us to create a link to your own website, we would be happy to do so, subject to one condition. It is essential that your own website states that you offer spanking services, and that in addition to hand spanking, you will accept implements (such as straps or paddles). You don’t have to accept canes, although most Spankees do. Just email spankeefinder@gmail.com with the address of your web site, and leave the rest to us.
If you don’t have your own wesite read from here:
We can create a web page for you in Spankeefinder. This is a free service. Here is a sample of one of our web pages:
To have your own page we need two things, some photos (minimum three), and some wording describing yourself. Then send an email to Blake at spankeefinder@gmail.com including the pictures and wording. Remember, the first thing visitors to your page will notice are the pictures. The pictures do not need to show your face, it is entirely up to you. Try to use some imagination in the pictures, but don’t worry about having any photography skills, we can use Photoshop to correct any errors.
Again, in the wording let your imagination run free, it does not have to be a literary masterpiece, be yourself, we can do any necessary editing. Here is a few ideas to include in the wording.
- Pick a name for yourself, never use your real name
- Describe yourself, your likes, things that give you a buzz
- Tease the reader a bit
- Say what part of the country you are from ( for example ‘near Sheffield’)
- If you are happy to switch (spank the client) then say so, many gentlemen like it
- Take a look at other Spankee profiles for ideas
- Include an email address, preferably one you use just for spanking
- Include a mobile number if you are comfortable with gentlemen calling.
Please check lower down this page to see Unacceptable Wording and Pictures
If you ever want to remove your webpage, just email spankeefinder@gmail.com. Deletions usually take a few days, but, do bear in mind that web pages can remain in the caches of search engines for a week or so. Spankeefinder is not able to delete all these caches.
Also, if you wish to change the content of your web page Peter will do it as soon as possible. However, he does have a full time occupation, and alterations can take a few days. Peter also takes holidays, so any changes requested while away will be dealt with upon his return!
Remember that we will produce you a webpage in a standard format. If you wish to have something more personalised then you will need to find someone who can design a website (or do your own in Blogger, WordPress, or Wix, for example) .
Note that Spankeefinder is for female spankees and escorts. Spankees and escorts who switch and spank their clients are also listed on Spankeefinder. Sorry, but we do not list ladies who only offer a femdomme service. We also do not list male spankees or TVs etc. Please be assured that we are not prejudiced against these or any other orientations, it is simply that Spankeefinder fills a particular niche and there are plenty of other excellent web sites for these interests.
Unacceptable wording and pictures
To avoid any potential legal problems we do not include any of the following on Spankeefinder designed web pages (If you have your own website there are no restrictions)
- Wording mentioning underage spanking role play such as age play or schoolgirls.
- Pictures suggesting underage role play or schoolgirls.
- Pictures that show any significant spanking marks, such as cane welts. A red bottom is fine!
- Pictures of spanking actually taking place.
- Obscene pictures
- Pictures displaying sexual activity
Please avoid sending any content which includes any of the above, as it will only be edited out.
Why should you join Spankeefinder?
Because you will generate many new contacts. Feedback from spankees indicates that these contacts are mostly from safe, polite men.
Spankeefinder is visited over 600 times a day. When a new girl is listed, her web page receives initially around 200 visits a day. But this settles to around 20 a day after a week or so. This high volume of visitors, does generate many new contacts. Indeed, some girls are overwhelmed with contacts when they are first listed. But, there is no need for concern as the number of contacts soon drops to a more manageable rate. It is only natural that we spankers are interested in the new girl on the scene!
When spankees or escorts are first listed, there can be calls or emails from ‘time-wasters’. These people feed on attention, just ignore them and they soon move on.
Some picture ideas, just click on thumbnail to view full size
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”1″ display=”basic_thumbnail” maximum_entity_count=”500″]So, email Blake at spankeefinder@gmail.com now for more information.