If you were not there, you missed a great party!
Spankeefinder’s own Roving Spanker attended the lastest Roasting Party, at a venue near Heathrow. Roasting Parties have a unique pattern of only two gentlemen to each lady, simply loads of spanking action, and to top it all a roast dinner served in the interval. All for just £180, the best value in the South East.
The line up of ladies for this party was the ‘A’ team of Emily, Angie, and Spankeefinder listed Aleesha. Greeted with a drink and nibbles, the gentlemen prepared themselves for an afternoon of spanking action. After warming up the ladies with some hand spanking, the action continued with round after round of leather implements. At the interval, everyone tucked into a roast dinner (gluten free option available), followed by home made apple crumble and cream.
After good food, laughter, and conversation, it was time once again for the gentlemen to apply leather implements to willing bottoms. After more drinks, the three ladies enthusiastically presented themseves for the grand finale, where a fine selection of canes were available for the gentlemen to administer a ‘roasting’!
For those gentlemen interested in switching, there were private rooms available for the ladies to turn the tables, and hand out some punishment. This was completely optional.
Roasting parties are always a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon, with quite an intimate and relaxed atmosphere. The next party on Sunday 26th is already full, but there is a switch party on December 5th with places left. For more information and to book a place, email roasting-parties@outlook.com