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Pure Lucie – New Spankee

Welcome to Lucie, a new spankee from Derby, who is best descrbed in her own words.

“I offer a spankee service for those with a firm hand and enthusiasm for old fashioned discipline.
Must Improper behavior be corrected with a reddened bottom and proportionate levels of humiliation?
My favourite sessions are scene play or role play scenarios where I can adopt a character throughout and have some fun while being disciplined.

I’m happy to dress up and wear costumes to fit the theme of the scenario.
Provided I feel comfortable and not too self conscious, the characters I play tend to develop quite naturally and take on a mind of their own, adapting to the scenario and to your style and reasoning for the discipline.

I can be quite well behaved and accept being reprimanded but have also been known to throw an occasional tantrum especially when I’m put into a situation that’s not my fault.”
