Sexy Black sugar
Very naughty young lady who needs very regular bare bottom spankings

Dear Sir
I’m a very bubbly, slim and sexy black girl based in Central London. I’m also a very naughty young lady who needs very regular bare bottom spankings to remind me how to behave. I’m always in trouble! Most days I do something that really deserves the strap and paddle too. And I’m afraid that at least once a week I really overstep the mark and need a good caning.

Are you the man to take me in hand to spank, paddle and cane me hard? If so I really want to hear from you. You can call me on 07547 641090. No withheld numbers please. Or email me on ebivcp@yahoo.co.uk.
By the way: If you are a bit naughty yourself I love spanking men too!!.
Respectfully yours ……………….. Sugar
No sexual services or contact
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