Submissive Louise
“If you spank and stroke my lovely bottom,
I relish the shock of the one, the soft comfort of the other”

Hi there, my name is Louise, a genuine English rose. My nature is easy going, bubbly, always with a smile, as well as being cheeky and insubordinate, traits that need firm correction!
I am blessed with a full and shapely figure, with deliciously sexy curves, in all the right places …. so I’m told. There’s also my pert and beautifully rounded bottom, just right for receiving CP in all it’s forms. I have a full range of implements available, as well as role-play outfits and uniforms, to bring your favourite fantasy to life.

So, here you see me, Sir, Submissive Louise, submissive by both name and nature. Spank and stroke my lovely bottom, let me relish the shock of the one, the soft comfort of the other. My pulse races, my juices, adrenaline and hormones flowing as I am made to stand, vulnerable, in the corner, facing the wall. I listen in mounting anticipation, to the ‘swish’ – as you, my dominent guest, test your choice of canes, before administering their stinging kiss across the soft curves of my bare bottom.
But Sir, if you are in the mood, or allow your dominance to weaken, then we can switch roles and that stinging kiss can be yours to experience.
To get together, just email me at SubmissiveLouise@Yahoo.co.uk

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